Work in progress posts

Decission taken – “RACED Version”

Yup, I decided for more challanging wheatered, beaten raced version of my miniature – I found it more interesting.Whetering of the tires was real challange, nascar tire wear is superextensive and it is not symetrical. I used photos of the real car from the end of the last race of 2023. Additionally I added tire…

Rims and windows

Photo documentation showed that wheel rims colors is not unified – it looks like polished metal on spokes with dark insides. I went with two tone paiting, but I think I over-complicated it a bit 😉, anyhow, I love final results. Looks like the real thing to me! Sharing my way if someone would like…

Nascar works continues – New Rims!

Time for a top coat.GX112 SuperClearIII UV Cut applied. After some polishing work the body looks as it should. As I’m working mostly at night – I took opportunity to took a picture within direct sunlight, the colors really popped up! In meantime I applied internal decals and tire markings. And put chrome silver bare…

Interior details and carbon underbody

I added few internal details including visible fuel lines. It will fit quite nicely into the body. Unfortunately, there will be not so much details visible with body-on…. It is ok for me – I will not focus so much on the interior :). BTW I receive a package from – 2022 Nascar Champion…

Shades of Blue

I started to work on the blue parts of Blaney’s Champion car.Masking tape was applied based on photo documentation and kit box. Quick mix of two MrHobby – I used kit decals as a guidance for a color. It looked quite same in my eyes… and sprayed unmasked parts of a body. The color want…

Interior work and base color applied

In my modeller shelf I found plain carbon fibers waterslide decals. I put them on the racing chair and other interior parts made of carbon fiber. On the sides of the main cage I attached self adhesive packing foam parts to replicate Next Gen car safety walls. The engine was enriched with sparkplug wires, I…